Division of Fisheries Ecology and Aquatic Resources

Address:                116 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Division Head:      Dr. Phan Thanh Lam
Telephone:             (+84-8) 3825-6548, 909-280-275
Email:                    pthanhlam@yahoo.com; lampt.ria2@mard.gov.vn

Function and Tasks:

– Surveying the aquatic environment, inland and coastal fisheries resources; setting up regional and sectoral planning for exploitation and conservation of natural fisheries resources and aquatic biodiversity;

– Investigating and assessing environmental impacts on coastal and inland fisheries resources;

– Ecological zoning and planning for utilization and management of inland fisheries resources and aquaculture development; setting up strategies for effective and sustainable development of fisheries resources and aquaculture which are relevant to the various ecological zones of southern Vietnam; and

– Studying fisheries socio-economics and developing management systems in aquaculture and capture fisheries with the participation of local communities.

Activities and main outputs:

– Annual monitoring of fish larvae and catches in the Mekong mainstreams, using databases for impact assessment on river health;

– Introducing co-management approaches to environmental protection, aquaculture development, sustainable capture fisheries and conservation of natural fisheries resources in the Mekong Delta;

– Implementing pilot projects to apply BMP, GAP, BAP and ASC to catfish and shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta;

– Regional and provincial planning for fisheries/aquaculture development;

– Assessing impacts of the environment and water utilization on aquaculture and the biodiversity of inland fisheries resources;

– Studying traceability and value chains of fish and shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta;

– Studying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of fishery products in the Mekong Delta; and

– Building up a collection of inland fish species in southern Vietnam for biodiversity research and education.

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